Sunday, January 18, 2009

Book Review: The Naked Truth - From the Goal Mind of Abu Shahid

Book Review: The Naked Truth - From the Goal Mind of Abu Shahid

Written by Maceo Renascido

Book Review: The Naked Truth- From the Goal Mind of Abu Shahid as told to and compiled by Wakeel Allah.

The Naked Truth, as in T.N.T.; high explosives. It’s an appropriate title for a book about the Elder of the Nation of Gods and Earths, the God known as Malik Abu Shahid El Shabazz Amiz Allah, or simply Abu Shahid or sometimes stylishly, the Tumtanger. For those not familiar, Abu Shahid’s story is entwined with the rise of the Nation, through pitfalls and adversity, both seem to move ever forwards reaching for new heights of clarity in the world that surrounds them, us. This book puts the God’s words into print and is a bold testament to the strength knowledge of self.

The book was compiled by Wakeel Allah for A-Team Publishing ( and consists of various interviews conducted with the Elder Abu Shahid during the earlier part of 2008 and a few blog postings by the God himself. This lends a personal touch to the words, as Abu Shahid injects his own flair into the proceedings, building with the God Wakeel on his own history and the Nation’s. Abu Shahid’s life story is as compelling and far-ranging as any, and the God reveals it candidly. From military service to membership in the Nation of Islam to walking alongside Allah the Father while teaching the youth, and later his struggles with chemical dependency, he touches on all.

Abu Shahid expounds on his experiences within the Nation and here is undoubtedly where some controversy may ensue. There are various accounts of what went on when and who was involved and things of that nature. The proverbial 'he said, he said' situation. I, myself, have heard and read differing accounts as to certain events and much of it is in the minute details, though some people have invariably altered, or grafted, certain accounts to fit their own needs, whatever they may be. The fact here is that Abu Shahid did in fact walk with Father Allah and has done his part to spread the knowledge of self to those most in need of it. I had expressed some trepidation in covering this work to my editor since I don't feel well-versed enough or qualified to comment on distinct aspects of what the God Abu Shahid builds on, especially in respect to the debatable portions of history. This endeavor is for others to engage in. And to those, I would highly recommend this book. It's true and living history from the mind (the Goal mind) of the Elder of the Nation and therefore, in my humble assesment, must be taken into account and openly discussed, as it apparently already has been. The God stands by what he says, saying literally that anyone contending something he says to step up and show and prove. It's difficult to discount the logic in that out of hand.

The aesthetic qualities are also worthwhile in the work. Abu Shahid's colorful recounting of events and his ability to break down aspects of what he builds on are enlightening as well as entertaining. He covers many contemporary subjects as does so with the air of an elder, which he is, of course. Some may disagree with a few of his assertions, as I did, however, those assertions are there to consider, of course, and utilize as we see fit in building our higher consciousness or to be right and exact. In this, he definitely holds his end of the deal. The God certainly stirs up thought and there doesn't seem to be enough of that around nowadays.

A bit disappointing was the absence of the God Wakeel Allah's precise prose as presented in his previous work, 'In the Name of Allah- A History of Clarence 13X and the Five Percenters' due to the fact that, as stated before, the bulk of the work consists of transcripts of interviews conducted by Wakeel for the A-Team Table Talk Series. It works, as Abu Shahid's words and wisdom come through unfiltered straight to the reader, however, as one who appreciates the presentation as well as the information, I was looking forward to a bit more in that area. My immediate assumption is that Wakeel felt that the God's words could stand alone in the telling of his story and his building on matters universal, and if so, I find no issue with that. If that's the case, then it shows a tremendous amount of respect towards someone who has earned it, and perhaps it's something we should all consider in dealing with all of our elders.

For new-borns or those that are interested in the Nation of Gods and Earths, this book is crucial reading. It gives an overview of the early days from a God who was there and who was responsible for the initial development of one of the most important (if not the most important) tenets of the Nation, the Supreme Mathematics. Read and learn, I'd recommend. For others that are well-versed, this will provide plenty of talking points for discussion and debate and I believe that's always a positive mental exercise. Have a look at this book and share it. Take the God's words and build on it, break it down, as only you can. It's a short read, however Abu Shahid provides much information and original thought (no pun intended, well, maybe) throughout. This book provides a unique look at the Nation of Gods and Earths that few others can.


The Naked Truth
From the Goal Mind of Abu Shahid
The Elder of the Nation of Gods and Earths
As told to and Compiled by Wakeel Allah

ISBN 978-0-9821618-0-7

A-Team Publishing
PO Box 551036
Atlanta, Ga 30355

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